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I’m contributing!

Hey everyone, name’s Tief Blau, or as our crime fighting superhero site owner calls me “Mr. Ever 17 Fan”. What can I say about myself…. I’m also a blogger and my own blog can be found here. As you might be able to see I don’t post much. My focus on Sometimes Clever will mostly be about upcoming anime and games. When I do get around to posting that is.

Moving on to my topic of the day;

Kill La Kill

How many of you guys have heard of it?

Not many?

That’s what I thought.

Don’t worry, I don’t know much about it either.

Set to come out sometime in 2013, directed by the guy who did Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, I’m sure we can all expect something very… Unique.

Official Site

Rin’s Mysteries Announcement

“They’re onto us.” A worried voice broke the silence. “The firewall is down. Someone has access to the files.”
“What?! But the artifact?!” came an alarmed reply.
“It’s already been decided. We had no other options…” the voice trailed off. Read the rest of this entry


Hello everyone! This is my small, tiny corner of the internet in which yours truly, will be writing all sorts of reviews, observations, and general posts on gaming, visual novels, and anime. Am I worth following? Ehhhh…. maybe? Its my goal to post here at least once a week, if not more. So I sure hope you follow, or add this blog to your RSS feed. Enjoy my stupidity everyone!